gms | German Medical Science

14th Triennial Congress of the International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand (IFSSH), 11th Triennial Congress of the International Federation of Societies for Hand Therapy (IFSHT)

17.06. - 21.06.2019, Berlin

PS143 Panel: SLAC & SNAC TWF and Prosthesis

Meeting Abstract (IFSSH19-987)

High reoperation rate in 13 total wrist arthroplasties after 4 years

Reigstad O, Holm-Glad T, Bolstad B, Roness S, Korslund J, Thorkildsen R, Røkkum M
Meeting Abstract (IFSSH19-980)

Long-term results after total wrist fusion using the AO-plate

Knie-Heinemann C, Van Schoonhoven J